Every month, The Grove Project has made the commitment to conduct water quality monitoring tests at a local body of water here in South Florida, Little Lake Worth Lagoon. As a proud EarthEcho International Water Challenge Ambassador, we are excited to share October 2019's results below:
Air Temperature: 85°F
Water Temperature: 82.4°F
pH Level: 8
Turbidity: 0 JTU
Dissolved Oxygen: 4 ppm
Percent Saturation of Oxygen: 51%
Detailed Explanation:
It is mid-October, and the "fall" season is finally beginning to show up here in South Florida. The past week has been characterized by overcast days with rainy weather, and today was no exception. Because of this, the air temperature and water temperature are especially reflective of the weather. Today's water also tested for 0 JTU, meaning it was the clearest water sample we have monitored yet. This is a good sign, especially with the rainfall that can bring runoff and sediment into bodies of water!
For more information on the EarthEcho Water Challenge, visit EarthEcho International using the link earthecho.org and monitorwater.org! Check back every month for our own results!